Runarnorun virtual scavenger run rules
February 15, 2022

It’s time for the RunArnoRun Virtual Scavenger Run and here is what you need to know to be able to join in.

There is a list of items that you need to look for in order to collect points. You need to send in proof in order to be able to have a chance to win some of the prizes. Proof can be photo or video, but of course video will be more fun, since I’ll make a compilation video of the results so we can all see how everybody did.

You will also need to send in a screenshot of your run app as proof of your run. You can run between February 18th and 20th, whenever you want, but only one run activity on your app.

Send it to info @, if the files are too big to mail you can use, they allow you to transfer larger files.

I’ve made a video with an explanation of the items on the list, so for some more info make sure you check the video.

Here is the list:

  1. Every Kilometer counts – a point per kilometer
  2. Animals on my run – 3 points per type of animal + most animals wins a Rhino T-shirt
  3. Tour guide – 5 points
  4. Out of season – 5 points
  5. Dress to impress – 5 points + most impressive wins RunArnoRun T-shirt
  6. Introduction of 30sec. Max – 10 points
  7. Bigger than life – 5 points
  8. Time out running – point per 5 minutes
  9. History street – 5 points
  10. Only on My run – 10 points

Make sure you also check my Facebook page for some bonus points to earn.

The person with the most points will win a Black-Board, it’s a great item to add to your run training. I love using it and I’m sure you will too, so have fun with the run this weekend and see what you can find.

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